
  • You can not mock an interface, you must mock the actual implementation. [1]

  • You should probably only mock application singletons


Some additional changes need to be made to your Maven pom.xml

Groovy Compiler

You need to add the groovy compiler



ByteBuddy is needed for mocking



Here is a sample of a Spock Specification

@QuarkusSpec (1)
class MySpec extends Specification {

   MySimpleBeanService service

   SimpleBean1 simple1

   def "Make Sure My Stuff Mocks"(){
       simple1.get() >> "OK" (3)
       service.callSimple1sMethod() == "OK"

   @Mocks (2)
   SimpleBean1Impl mock(){
       return Mock(SimpleBean1Impl)

   @Mocks (2)
   SimpleBean2Impl mock(){
       return Stub(SimpleBean2Impl)
  1. Annotate your Specification with @QuarkusSpec

  2. Create a method that returns the actual implementation annotate with @Mocks

  3. Mock like normal in your setup: block

1. We could change that but it is not guaranteed to work and we can’t guarantee someone isn’t going to try and inject by Implementation